Wireless wiring center with WiFi model ThermoB.FHB5RW - 5 зони
Price: 5 zones (с 3 room modules), standard 925 BGN.
Price: 5 zones (с 4 room modules), standard 1050 BGN
Price: 5 zones (с 5 room modules), standard 1150 BGN
Price: 5 zones (с 5 room modules)+humidity 1199 BGN
* Made in Bulgaria !
* Internet cloud servers are in EU !
* Your sensitive data is in EU !
Build in outputs:
- 5 zones, individual relay otрut for each zone. Supply 230V
- "AUX" - controll sygnal for boiler/heat pump/other (heat source). Voltage free relay output, N.O.
- "Pump" - control sygnal for circulator. Voltage free relay output, N.O. + N.C.
- Time delay function: Zone delay after AUX, AUX delay after Zone.
Power supply 230V
Note: The wiring center have to be incorporated in electrically safe enclosue.